How To Import New Music

Planning Center Services is the best way to plan your worship services.

In this video, you’ll learn the fastest way to import new music into your library. Planning Center has made it so simple, you’ll be adding new music in just a few seconds.



If you’ve been using planning center for a while you’re probably familiar with the layout and how things work.

Planning Center recently released a new update to their plans page that has some really cool features and over the next few videos I’m going to show you some of those features.

My name is Joshua. I’m the creator of We help you discover and learn how to use quality resources you can use to make your church better. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to subscribe to this channel, click the like button and let us know what you think in the comments.

Okay in this video we’re going to show you how you can import songs the fastest way possible and some cool features that Planning Center now offers. Here we go!

Okay I’m in Planning Center Services and I’m under the plans tab. You can see we have an upcoming service September the 13th. I’m going to click on that service. We’re going to add a new song to our library.

Now one of the fastest ways you can get around planning center is to use the shortcuts feature and the shortcut to add a song is just simply “S” on the keyboard. Just type “S” on the keyboard. It will pullup your library of songs and then you can search for a specific song.

But we want to add a new song so you can click on new. That’s one way. But let me show you also there’s another way. If you click songs at the top – this tab up here – here’s your library of all your songs, which you can sort by last scheduled. You can see if it has a chord chart or a pdf lyrics etc.

But I want to add a new song so click add a song at the top right corner. Here you can search for the name of the song you want to add. So let’s say it’s Way Maker – popular song. You can see under popular recordings there are several different versions of this song. Or let’s say the name of your song is something that’s not a popular recording – My Song – you can click all songs and then you can see the song – your song whatever title that is – under the CCLI recordings.

Now if you don’t have CCLI integrations enabled you’ll need to do that. You can watch another video on how to enable CCLI integrations.

Okay but I’m going to close this for now and show you one more really cool feature and that is if you click view top songs, you can see a list of the most popular songs by over 60,000 churches. 60,000 churches use planning center and so on on September the 6th Way Maker is going to be the most popular song sung. And you can see it’s plus 77. It’s risen by 77 positions over this last year. You can see all of the most popular songs.

Now you’ll see that some songs are in bold some songs are not. So the ones in bold are songs that are in your library. Raise A Hallelujah is not in our library. If I want to listen to a demo of that song i can click this little play button so you can hear a short demo of the song and then if you want to add the song, just click on it and then – there it is – Raise A Hallelujah. Click on it there and then you can import it from there.

Hey thanks for watching this video. I hope you found it helpful. If you did, be sure to like the video and let us know in the comments below. If you haven’t yet go to to discover tons of free and inexpensive resources you can use to make your church better.

Thank you!