by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Planning Center, Tech |
Learn how to create your own Digital Release Form for free, using Planning Center People Forms. This will save you and your parents time from having to fill out those pesky release forms. Digital is better! Download a free Digital Release Form Example Here. *This is...
by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Planning Center, Tech |
Using Folders and Setting Permissions in Planning Center Services There are several ways to keep your service types organized within Planning Center Services. This video will show you how to create folders, use them to keep your ministries and services organized AND...
by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Planning Center, Tech |
How To Add Color To Planning Center Services? In this Quick Tip, Joshua will show you how to add color to your Planning Center Services Plans page. Adding color will help your service elements stand out and help your team clearly see what elements are the grouped...
by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Music, Tech |
The CCLI Church Rehearsal License is an important license for any church that distributes recordings of songs to their team. Let’s say you want to give your team 10 new songs to learn this year. You buy the songs on itunes, convert them into an MP3 and upload...