by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Planning Center, Tech |
How To Add Color To Planning Center Services? In this Quick Tip, Joshua will show you how to add color to your Planning Center Services Plans page. Adding color will help your service elements stand out and help your team clearly see what elements are the grouped...
by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Media, Planning Center |
What Is Planning Center? Planning Center is a suite of apps you can use to make your church better. This video will walk you through each Planning Center App and show you how you can use them in your church to get better. I plan to do a deep dive video into each...
by Joshua Riggs | Planning Center |
Attachement Types Using attachment types is a great way to make the Planning Center Services experience great for your team. Enabling this feature will allow you to hide certain files so that each team member only has access to what they need. But be careful!...
by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Planning Center |
Planning Center Matrix Planning Center Matrix will save you hours every month, but you have to know how to use it. If you use it correctly, you can quickly plan services and schedule volunteers over several weeks. This video will show you all the features of Planning...
by Joshua Riggs | Blog, Planning Center |
Planning Center Training Facebook Group Facebook Groups are a great way to learn from others who do what you do. I’ve learned so much from several groups that I’m a part of. The best groups have people that offer advice or their experience to help others...
by Joshua Riggs | Planning Center |
Add A Guest To Your Planning Center Services Plan Sometimes you need to add someone to our Planning Center Plan but you don’t want to add them to your team for good. This is true for Guest speakers, Guest Worship Leaders and more. In this video, learn how to add...